Local Matters

There are two of us working behind the scenes here at the nursery, and neither of us love the digital management side so it may be a bit until all these spots are lovely and informative. In the meantime: find & message us on social media! We genuinely love meeting neighbors, growing plants, and helping to build our neighborhood's quality.

  • Philosophy

    We both genuinely enjoy growing, sharing, learning, and observing: it's part of how we met and very much why we started business together. We also believe in community, and that the more people know each other the more secure we can all feel. We also both care strongly about doing things the good way, even if it's harder. That means good for people, good for animals, good for plants, good for the environment, and good for the local economy. You'll see this in the way we reuse and upcycle materials whenever possible (from reused packaging to protect plants from the weather, to building raised hugelkultur beds out of reclaimed materials), the way we use beneficial insects inside and native plants outside, the way we proactively reach out to neighbors near and far, and the way we keep our plants healthy and prices reasonable to share the love of growing and give everyone the best chance of success.

Multimedia collage


This is our main thing. Since we don't ship, there seems no...